Monday, January 19, 2009

when in rome...

We arrived in rome yesterday afternoon.. after a formula one taxi ride, we all arrived all in one piece at the hotel. Today we spent the morning immersing ourselves in history by visiting the colosseum and the roman forums. This afternoon we learned print making by visiting the stamperia del tevere. somehow, though, i think that the cat sanctuary in the sacred area of largo argentina was a bigger hit with students... and to think that where ceasar was murdered now roam hundreds of cats...
our wonderful Eric will try and update the blog soon with new pictures, but we have no internet access in hotel so he might not be able to be as regular as he usually been... if only we had the bbm capabilities of our technologically evolved students, who were apparently getting ready last night for this morning historical tour by practicing greco-roman wrestling.... again...
it has become a theme of the trip... next time i will try and get pictures of this wonderful nightly event that Eric and I so look forward to ...

But sarcasm aside:), i want to thank all the boys here, Mike, John, Blake, Ryan and Daniel for being so wonderful at helping everyone with their luggage on and off the train from venice to rome. their packing skills on the luggage rack are surpassed only by their greco-roman wrestling skills. Parents, you have raised lovely gentlemen!
Tomorrow, if weather holds, we will visit vatican museum and then go off and see obama's inauguration at an anglosaxon pub by the troubling name of the drinking ship (or something like that).... i will have to keep a sharp eye on all the ducklings...

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