Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15 story and pictures

It was overcast, cool, and rainy as we headed out today on a pilgrimage of sorts to five different churches: Santa Maria della Salute by longhena, started in 1629, San Zaccaria with Enthroned Madonna by Giovanni Bellini, 1505, San Giorgio dei Greci, 16th century, and Santa Maria dei Miracoli, 16th century.
We began near our hotel and wound our way to the Realto Bridge, the largest bridge in Venice. The churches varied widely in architectural style and artistic decoration, it was interesting to see the development of both before, during, and after the period we are studying. Many of these churches are still functioning and so the boys had to remove their hats upon entering and we had to be respectful of the worshipers who were there. Several of them were cold enough, again, to see our breath in. After that we visited a local glass artisan who worked in Morano glass – famous in this area – who was willing to make each of us a custom piece while we watched. We broke for lunch after that and enjoyed the local fare. I had a delicious bean soup, so good after walking around in the cold rain all morning. The rest of the afternoon was free, with the students reconvening at 6 pm for the lecture portion of today. We then went to dinner as a group at Ae Oche which is just down the canal our hotel. The walk down and back with the lights of the buildings on the Isle of Giudecca reflecting on the water was beautiful.

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