Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Vatican and Bernini

Raphael Rooms:
Room of Constantine 1524 ca (for Pope Leo X)
Room of Heliodorus (aka throne room of the Pope) 1511-13 (For Pope Julius II and Leo X)
Room of the Segnatura (aka the Library) 1508-11 (for pope Julius II)
Room of the Fire in the Borgo 1514-17 (For pope Leo X)

Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling 1508-12 (for pope Julius II)
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Last Judgment 1536-41 (for Pope Paul III)

Bernini's Statues:
Bernini born in 1598 died in 1680.

Pluto and Proserpina - 1621-22
Apollo and Daphne - 1622-25
David – 1623-4

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