Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 5 notes

Monday January 5, 2009,

Palazzo Vecchio:
First erected over the Platea Ubertorum, aka Uberti’s square (created in 1268), in 1298. It incorporates the Foraboschi tower. It was probably designed by Arnolfo di Cambio. Loggia dei lanzi built in 1374. In front of the Loggia dei Lanzi the Perseo by Benvenuto Cellini (neoplatonism: intellect slays the senses). cast in 545-54

Cathedral: first started in 1296, completed in mid 15th century. In 1334 Giotto begun the bell tower of the Cathedral. Dome built by Brunelleschi 1420-1446.

Inside Cathedral: Fresco of John Hawkwood by Paolo Uccello 1435. Second fresco of Niccolo da Tolentino executed by of Andrea del Castagno.

Baptistry: possibly built over a roman civic structure of the V century ad. It is a XI century romanic structure. Andrea Pisano cast the first doors inspired by cappella Peruzzi of Giotto in 1330 for the south side. Ghiberti cast the east doors in 1401 – 1424, these were moved to the north side, when he was commissioned the second set of doors, 1435-52, which are now on the east side. They are also known as the gates of paradise.

Orsanmichele built as as public loggia by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1290. Rebuilt as market in 1337-57 to be then closed as church.

St. Lorenzo: The Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi. 1418 – 28

St. Croce, possibly built by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1295. Inside: Cappella Peruzzi by Giotto with stories of the life of John the Baptist, 1318. Cappella Bardi by Giotto with stories of the life of St, Francis, 1325.

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