Thursday, January 22, 2009

january 20 story and pictures

Today we left at 10:30 am for the little known and rarely visited church of Santa Cecilia to see the frecoes by Cavallini and the archeological dig under the church of a 2nd century AD Roman house. We then went to see the beautiful Villa Farnesina, a 16th century house built by Sienese banker – Agostino Chigi – who was Pope Julius II’s banker. We saw frescoes by Raphael and Sodoma. We then broke for lunch and regrouped at 3pm to see the church of Santa Maria Sophra Minerva where we saw the sculpture Risen Christ by Michelangelo and the Caraffa Chapel with paintings by Lippi. We ended with a visit to the princely palace of the Doria-Pamphilij family where we saw paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, and Velasquez. The students were also treated to some excellent Gelato. Later, some of us also enjoyed the Roman cookies, Brutti ma Buoni (ugly but good) and they were.

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