Sunday, January 4, 2009

Everyone is here

Well, finally everyone has arrived in Florence. I have already heard some really funny adventures... I will leave Eric to tell his story, but I am really happy to see everyone here and look forward to our week in florence. Tomorrow we will have a busy day. Since on January sixth a number of monuments, that were supposed to be open, will actually be closed, we are going to try and visit them tomorrow.

We will start with an urban study of florence and then proceed to St. Lorenzo, and St. Croce. In the afternoon we will trace the steps of Masaccio and go to Cappella Brancacci and to St. Maria Novella to see the birth of renaissance perspective in paiting.

Our students are real troopers! particularly room 19, since their heater is broken. Good thing that the owner will send someone to fix it tomorrow am, meanwhile extra blankets and good food will hopefully do the trick; though John says that he can always lend them the furry hat he bought himself today.

1 comment:

Eric L said...

Yeah...let's hear about Eric's adventure so far.